Professional Organisations
JSA have been involved with a number of organisations over the years:
National Access Association member since 1999
Royal Institute of British Architects, Jane:
- is Specialist Practice Advisor on Access, which involves ad hoc meetings to other organisations; providing free advice to members
- represents RIBA on the BSI BS8300 review and external environment group
- represented RIBA on The Pocklington Trust Research looking into visual impairments in homes
- a member of the Regulations and Standards Group
- a member of the Architects for Change Group
- UIA Architecture for All Group Region 1 Europe
- representative on the BRE MHCLG Means of Escape
DPTAC 2002 – 2007 Built Environment and Education & Training group
CABE 2005 – 2008 Member of the Inclusive Environment Group
- Representative on the Homecare group, CABE
BSI 2005 – present BS8300 review group
- Previously chairing the sub group looking into children’s needs
- Member of Built Environment group
NRAC On the Management Board and Consultant member number 247
CAE Panel member
Civic Trust Selwyn Goldsmith Awards Judging Panel